Most people know that I was contributing editor at Quiet Mountain Essays and that I've been writing for feminist publications for decades, but very few people know how I first got started.
Well, I began as an assistant helping my dad clip research articles for his weekly editorial column in the Michigan Chronicle, when I was six. It wasn't just for fun, he paid me a dollar for the articles I clipped on-topic. By the time I was nine, he was offering me $5 payment for usable editorial ideas. It was a fantastic job. Not only did I develop a love for periodicals and journalism from a very young age, but it spurred my interest in current events as well.
Early in my career, I served as Art Director and feature writer for a downtown-Detroit entertainment tabloid known as Phase Two. Then, after a successful turn at feature writing for the popular Detroit Women's Voice, I was asked to become Midwest Correspondent for the east coast-based paper called New Directions for Women. Later, I contributed essays and photojournalism to the iconic feminist publications Off Our Backs and Rain and Thunder.
If you like, you can check out scanned PDFs of some of those early essays and articles here.
Well, I began as an assistant helping my dad clip research articles for his weekly editorial column in the Michigan Chronicle, when I was six. It wasn't just for fun, he paid me a dollar for the articles I clipped on-topic. By the time I was nine, he was offering me $5 payment for usable editorial ideas. It was a fantastic job. Not only did I develop a love for periodicals and journalism from a very young age, but it spurred my interest in current events as well.
Early in my career, I served as Art Director and feature writer for a downtown-Detroit entertainment tabloid known as Phase Two. Then, after a successful turn at feature writing for the popular Detroit Women's Voice, I was asked to become Midwest Correspondent for the east coast-based paper called New Directions for Women. Later, I contributed essays and photojournalism to the iconic feminist publications Off Our Backs and Rain and Thunder.
If you like, you can check out scanned PDFs of some of those early essays and articles here.